Participant information sheet
The relationship between the personality of gamers, perceived gaming experience, and in-game purchasing behaviour.
You will be asked to take part in an online survey which will last approximately 10 minutes. In the survey, you will be asked to provide some demographic information (sex, age, and income). You will also be completing questions regarding your personality, gamers’ user experience of online games and in-game purchasing behaviours.
All data will be kept anonymous. We will keep the anonymised data for 6 months. The data will not be made available to other researchers. Only processed data will appear in any project submission. Anonymised raw and processed data will be retained on the researcher’s NTU OneDrive account. Data will only be accessed on a secure and password protected computer when being processed for analysis. Only I, the researcher (Wing Hei, Ching) and the supervisor (Dr. Andrew Harris) will have access to the data. No individual will be identifiable from the data they provide (but see next paragraph) after the withdrawal period stipulated below. Online based consent forms will be retained together with the data. All retained data will be stored in a secure manner, according to GDPR and the UK Data Protection Act 2018 regulations, rules in an anonymised format.
Withdrawing your data:
To protect your anonymity, you will need to provide a unique ID, it is strongly advised that the unique ID does not include any personal info (e.g., using aspects of date of birth, initials etc.). Only the researcher and the supervisor will have access to your responses. You will need this unique ID if you want to contact us to withdraw your data. You have the right to withdraw from the experiment at any point during the procedure, and you may withdraw your data at any point up to 2 weeks after date of survey completion. You may do either of these things without giving a reason to do so. If you wish to withdraw your data, you should contact the researcher (Wing Hei, Ching) and/or the supervisor (Dr. Andrew Harris), and ask for your data to be withdrawn using your unique ID. If you request for your data to be removed, you may lose your anonymity if you use an email that reveals your name or identity or if you mention your name or identity in your correspondence. However, only the researcher and/or the supervisor will see this, and all correspondence will be deleted along with the requested data.
Upon completion of the survey, you are free to ask any questions you may have about the research in general.
Participation is voluntary and greatly appreciated. If you are happy to take part in this research, please complete the following consent form.
If you have any questions after your participation in this research, the researcher’s and supervisor’s contact details are at the bottom of this form.
Thank you for agreeing to consider participating in this research project.