Information sheet
Please read through this information sheet carefully as it provides important details regarding the present study. The purpose of this research is to investigate a possible link between traits of Maladaptive Overcontrol Personality and the appearance of traits of Borderline Personality Disorder. You are being asked to take part in this study which will last for approximately 20 minutes. If you are an NTU student taking part, you will be awarded 2 research credits for your participation in this study. It is important to note that you must be aged 18 and over to take part in this study.
This study will require you to complete an online survey consisting of two questionnaires involving questions based on Maladaptive Overcontrol and a screening instrument used to identify traits of Borderline Personality Disorder. It is important to answer these questions as honestly as possible, there is no right or wrong answer to any question. Ensure you fill out the response which is most suitable for your experiences. You must answer all questions. You have the right to withdraw at any point during the survey without reason by closing the survey. Examples of questions relate to feelings towards yourself and others and how you deal with these feelings. Some of the questions involved in the survey may be sensitive in nature and therefore distressing to some individuals. Support helplines will be available to those suffering from any mental health concerns you may have will be available both before and after completion of the study.
Participation in this study is voluntary, confidential and anonymous. Responses will be recorded and documented through Qualtrics, and online questionnaire tool. Data will be stored on a password protected file that only the researcher can access. You will be asked to provide a unique ID (a selection of random numbers and letters) at the start of the survey which will be used to store your responses anonymously. You can withdraw from the study at any point. If you wish to withdraw from the study, close the browser and your responses will be deleted. If you wish to withdraw from the research after completion of the survey, you should contact the researcher by 20/02/2023 citing your unique identifier code and official request of withdrawal. Please be aware that if you request withdrawal through a private email this will compromise your anonymity. If you do not wish to compromise your anonymity, you can send an anonymous letter to my supervisor using the contact details provided below. It should be noted that students accessing through SONA, anonymity will be further compromised as the site requires your NTU number to issue credits.
All data will be stored on a private password protected computer in line with GDPR guidelines and the British Psychological Society’s code of ethics. Your data will be used in a report following data analysis, you will not be named or identified in this. In addition to this individual study, the project supervisors are working in collaboration with researchers who specialise in over-controlled personality to develop our understanding in this area. Lynch has developed one of the scales used within this study, the data collected will also be shared anonymously with Lynch and her OC research team and the NTU OC research team. Lynch’s OC research team consists of Professor Thomas Lynch university of Southhampton, Dr. Roelie Hempel founder and co-director of Radically open, Dr. Kirsten Gilbert, university of St Louis Washington and Emily Vanderbleek, University of Notre Dame, Indiana. These are all professional psychologists who have to abide by the ethics of the research as outlined in the NTU ethics application which mirrors their own ethics committees. Data will be stored until it is no longer required which is upto 5 years on from any publication, as soon as it is no longer needed, it will be deleted from all computers/storage devices.
Upon completion of the study, you are free to ask any questions you may have about the study or the research. Support emails and websites will be made available to you on completion of the questionnaire in case of any distress caused by the questions or responses.
Researcher contact details
Billy Campion
Supervisor Contact details
Lorraine Smith
Room 4104,
Chaucer Building
Burton Street
Support helplines:
Mind Helpline
0300 123 3393
For help with BPD
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Borderline Arts
For help with self-harm
Help for those who self-harm and their friends and family